+27 31 648 0025 / +27 31 785 2058

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Broad spectrum virucidal disinfectant

NRCS Registration: NRCS/8054/245082/59

Protective Clothing
Protective Clothing
Hazard Warning
Hazard Warning

Product Information

Area of application
  • VIROGUARD is applicable as an aid in improved hygiene management, effective against viruses, bacteria, fungi and spores.

  • VIROGUARD is a 100% synergistic blend of organic acids, surfactants and biocides. It is a strong oxidizing agent.

Physical & chemical properties
Appearance:Pink, free-flowing powder
Odour:Faint lemon
pH (1% sol, 20°C):2.6
Flammability:Non- flammable
Boiling point:Decomposes on heating
Solubility in water:±65g/L
Stability:Powder stable for up to 3 years at 20°C
A 1 % solution:10% loss of the initial activity after 7 days
Solubility:Readily soluble in tepid water giving a clear pink solution
Corrosivity:No corrosive effects on stainless steel when used as directed
Effective against



Escherichia coli1:100
Staphylococcus aureus1:100
Pseudomonas aeruginosa1:100
Enterococcus hirae1:100
Environmental impact
At the recommended dilution rate, all the ingredients are either decomposed and/or biodegraded and are comparatively harmless. The triple salt of potassium monopersulfate will decompose into harmless by-products, and should pose no problems to sewerage treatment processes.
Recommended method of application
  • Use product on pre-cleaned surfaces only that are in good repair
  • Apply at a dilution of 10g/L either by low pressure or with a suitable foaming unit
  • A contact time for walls of at least 20 minutes should be allowed for maximum bactericidal effect

Terminal disinfection of poultry houses:

  • Use a suitable mechanical mister or knapsack sprayer to apply the product at a rate of 10g/L as reflected in a preparation table below
  • Allow to dry

Header tank sanitation:

  • Use at a dilution of 10g/L at clean-out, dosing the header tank
  • Leave for at least one hour
  • Drain the water

Foot dips:

  • Use at a rate of 10g/L: kills most pathogens in 30 seconds
  • Replenish weekly or when heavily soiled

Fish farms:

  • Empty dam first
  • Remove all organic matter
  • Wash dam with strong detergent
  • Rinse with potable water
  • Leave to dry before applying VIROGUARD at a dilution of 1g/L by foaming application or knapsack spray
  • Allow to dry
Preparation table – Application rate at 300ml/m²:



1:10010mL product in 1 Litre of water; 2 Litres in 200 litres of water
1:2005mL product in 1 Litre of water; 1 Litre in 200 litres of water
1:5002mL product in 1 Litre of water; 400ml in 200 litres of water
Safety precautions and first aid

Eyes – hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if still present, after 5 minutes then continue rinsing. Call a doctor for treatment advice.

Skin – Take off contaminated clothing and rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes. Call a doctor for treatment advice.

Swallowed – Call a doctor immediately for treatment advice. Have person sip water if able to swallow. Rinse mouth with water. Do not induce vomitting unless told to do so by the doctor. Do not give anything to an unconscious person.

Inhaled – Move person to fresh air. If person is not breathing, call an ambulance, then give artificial repsiration, preferably mouth-to-mouth. Call a doctor for treatment advice.

Note to Doctor: Probable mucosal damage may contraindicate the use of gastric lavage. Have product container or label with you when calling the doctor or going for medical treatment.

Packaging & Storage


VIROGUARD is packed in 25 litre UN approved, non-removable head, HDPE plastic jerry cans, square 1200-1300g fitted with screw cap and rubber gasket (torque 20Nm). The packaging meets Packing Group II and III tests. Each drum can handle any product with a specific gravity less than 1.8 and allow an internal test pressure of 100kPa.


Store in a tightly closed container in a well-ventilated chemical storage facility between 10°C and 25°C, away from sensitive environs, foodstuffs and children. Keep under lock and key.

Keep out of direct sunlight. Prolonged exposure to high temperatures will have a detrimental effect on the product. Shelf-life = 24 months from date of manufacture.

Contact us for pricing and shipping: +27 (31) 648 0025