+27 31 648 0025 / +27 31 785 2058

Contact Us

If you have any queries or require any information, please use the form below to get in touch with us and we’ll get back to you shortly. We also appreciate your comments!

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NOTE: We will never share, rent or sell your name or email to anyone else. Your privacy is safe with us!
Please read our Privacy Policy in this regard.

Durban (Head Office)

Tel: +27 (31) 785 2058
Tel: +27 (31) 648 0025


Lot 8
Postmasters Park
Umlaas Road
KwaZulu Natal
South Africa

Latitude: 29° 43‘ 50.988”S
Longitude: 30° 30‘ 28.008“E

Cape Town

Tel: +27 (21) 933 0841
Cell: +27 (83) 393 1311


9 Oostenberg Road 
Durbanville Industrial Park
Western Cape
South Africa

Latitude: 33° 47‘ 22.9”S
Longitude: 18° 42‘ 09.5“E


Cell: +27 (82) 707 4846


Unit 49D
Tannery Industrial Park
309 Derdepoort Road
Silverton, Pretoria
South Africa

Latitude: 25° 43‘ 35.862”S
Longitude: 28° 17‘ 44.526“E

Frequently Asked Questions

Must we regularly change our disinfectants to prevent build up of resistance?
No, ManChem will monitor your specific pathogens and test disinfectant efficiency on these specific pathogens. In the case of proven resistance build up, ManChem will make recommendations to solve your problem.
What happens if we don’t apply hygiene standards?

If no acceptable standards of food hygiene are applied then the door is left wide open for a whole range of direct and indirect consequences, such as:

  • Loss of quality and shelf-life of the product
  • Loss of public confidence and clientele
  • Loss of production
  • Linkage to potential food poisoning outbreaks
  • Potential legal action
  • Illness of personnel and consumers
  • Loss of jobs
  • No guidance for accepted protocols and standards

If no standards exist for foodstuffs in current legislation the question that often arises is for what and how should one test the sample or product and how should the results be interpreted? In such cases where no legal standards exist it is very important that the results be carefully assessed before decisions are taken on whether the foodstuffs pose a risk to the health of consumers.

Why is there a need for hygiene?

The provision of and application of food hygiene standards is to protect the consumer by ensuring that only clean, sound, healthy and wholesome food is available for purchase.

The quality of a country’s food supply will depend on the implementation and monitoring of legislation and standards relating to farms design and construction, all operations taking place within and physical food inspection together with control of the following:

  • The use of chemical and pharmaceutical preparations on the farm
  • Health standards of poultry and their care during transportation to and at the abattoir
  • Anti-mortem inspections to eliminate unfit birds from entering the food chain
  • Inspection of the carcas and offal immediately after slaughter including any laboratory testing
  • Removal of material unfit for human consumption and its proper destruction and disposal thereof

High standards of hygiene at all stages from farm to food processing, to storage to end point sale.

Why should hygiene concern us?
If we are in the food industry then we have a responsibility for the safe production and handling of food and food products destined for human consumption.

All persons engaged in this industry have a moral and ethical obligation to establish and maintain the highest sanitary standards.

The consumer expects the industry to produce clean, sound, wholesome food and food products.

Correct application of accepted hygiene standards protect the health of both the consumer and those involved in production.

A farm is not only a place where food is grown and processed but also a place where food for human consumption is produced. The common factor between these two concepts is hygiene.

An effective food hygiene programme begins on the farm and follows through during transportation to the production procedures, the wholesalers, the retailers and of course the final consumer of the product.