+27 31 648 0025 / +27 31 785 2058

Product Disclaimer


The manufacturer warrants:

  1. that this product conforms to the chemical description on the label;
  2. that this product is a reasonable fit for the purposes set forth in the directions for use when it is used in accordance with such directions; and
  3. that the directions, warnings and other statements on this label are based upon responsible expert’s evaluation of reasonable tests of effectiveness and of toxicity to laboratory animals.
  • Tests have not been made on all varieties or in all states or under all conditions.
  • The manufacturer neither makes nor intends, nor does it authorize any agent or representative to make, any other warranties, expressed or implied, and it expressly excludes and disclaims all implied warranties or merchantability and fitness for particular purpose.
  • This warranty does not extend to, and the buyer shall be solely responsible for, any and all loss or damage which results from the use of this product in any manner which is inconsistent with the label directions, warnings or cautions.
  • Buyer’s exclusive remedy and manufacturer’s or seller’s exclusive liability for any and all claims, losses, damages, or injuries resulting from the use or handling of this product, whether or not such liability is based in the contract, negligence, strict liability in tort of otherwise, shall be limited, at the manufacturer’s option, to replacement of, or the repayment of the purchase price for, the quantity of product with respect to which damages are claimed.
  • In no event shall manufacturer or seller be liable for special, indirect or consequential damages resulting from the use or handling of this product.
  • Diluting or tampering with the product constitutes fraud and legal action will be taken in all instances where tampering took place.