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GLD 13

A strong clinging gel degreaser that provides 100% surface contact

GLD-13 Detergent
Protective Clothing
Protective Clothing
Hazard Warning
Hazard Warning

Quality Assured

Product Information

Area of application
  • GLD-13 gel covers all areas efficiently when used in a knapsack sprayer, the spray action ensures that the gel penetrates the protein soils.
  • The gel forms a key part of the chemical formulation to guarantee maximum contact time with the surface.
  • GLD-13 has a penetrating effect cutting through caramelized, carbonized and baked-on soils which makes it effective to use in the poultry industry.
  • High performance formula quickly cuts through protein build up.
  • Effective against compacted protein/soils that are difficult to wash off.
  • Effective ito use in the poultry industry.
  • Significant time saving.
Physical & chemical properties
Colour:Light pink
pH:12.0 – 13.0
Environmental impact
Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. Avoid release to the environment. Do not allow into sewer systems . Collect spillage. Dispose of contents and container to a licensed hazardous waste disposal contractor according to local legislation.
Recommended method of application

Wear overalls, boots, rubber gloves, protective goggles and masks.

  • Wash the feeder trays with clean water using a high-pressure washer.
  • Pour GLD-13 into a 16-litre knapsack sprayer.
  • Pump the knapsack sprayer until the correct pressure is reached to ensure the GLD-13 forms a foamy gel.
  • Spray GLD-13, full strength, onto feeder trays. Cover soiled areas completely with the gel.
  • Allow to penetrate protein deposits for 30 minutes. Allow 45 minutes for heavy protein build up.
  • Clean the surfaces with a high-pressure washer with clean water.
  • Leave to dry.
Safety precautions and first aid
Eyes – hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present, after 5 minutes then continue rinsing. Call a doctor for treatment advice.

Skin – Take off contaminated clothing and rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes. Call a doctor for treatment advice.

Swallowed – Call a doctor immediately for treatment advice. Have person sip water if able to swallow. Rinse mouth with water. Do not induce vomitting unless told to do so by the doctor. Do not give anything to an unconscious person.

Inhaled – Move person to fresh air. If person is not breathing, call an ambulance, then give artificial repsiration, preferably mouth-to-mouth. Call a doctor for treatment advice.

Note to Doctor: Probable mucosal damage may contraindicate the use of gastric lavage. Have product container or label with you when calling the doctor or going for medical treatment.

Packaging & Storage


GLD 13 is packed in 25 litre UN approved, non-removable head, HDPE plastic jerry cans, square 1200-1300g fitted with screw cap and rubber gasket (torque 20Nm). The packaging meets Packing Group II and III tests. Each drum can handle any product with a specific gravity less than 1.8 and allow an internal test pressure of 100kPa.


Store in a tightly closed container in a well-ventilated chemical storage facility between 10°C and 25°C, away from sensitive environs, foodstuffs and children. Keep under lock and key.

Keep out of direct sunlight. Prolonged exposure to high temperatures will have a detrimental effect on the product. Shelf-life = 24 months from date of manufacture.

Contact us for pricing and shipping: +27 (31) 648 0025