+27 31 648 0025 / +27 31 785 2058

Waste Treatment

Discover Manchem’s potent organic waste digestion solutions with powerful bacteria and enzymes

Within a waste treatment facility for human waste, the objective is to convert fecal matter in water into a processable fluid, reducing contaminant levels. This transformation is achieved through competitive exclusion. Essentially, when numerous pathogens are present, introducing beneficial microorganisms initiates a competition for resources, eventually leading to the dominance of the helpful species.

Waste Treatment for a Sewerage Plant

Illustrating waste treatment in a sewage plant, a scum layer accumulates on the surface. The introduction of ManChem’s M-BAC product effectively disintegrates the scum, leading to its elimination. Additionally, the unpleasant odours are caused by anaerobic harmful microorganisms.

In a septic tank, the aerobic bacteria degrades the content inside. If a septic tank can be aerated, you would speed up the break down reaction by twenty times more efficiency. Unfortunately, a septic tank is closed and cannot be aerated like open sewerage ponds which can be aerated.

M-BAC is a combination of “live” bacteria and enzymes that rapidly penetrate, digest and  liquify fats, oils, greases, cellulose, protein and starch. M-BAC is pathogen free and can be considered ‘natures helper’ by reducing Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD).

ManChem’s M-BAC Product is Used Extensively

  • In poultry processing plants and abattoirs to treat contaminated water before the water is reintroduced into the environment.
  • To keep slow or blocked drain systems and grease traps free of organic matter.
  • To deodorize floors and walls around camper toilets, urinals, pit toilets, outhouses, portable and other construction site toilets.
  • To controls odours on carpets and rugs.  It’s suitable for spraying onto rubbish dumps and applying to other areas where waste disposal and odour problems occur.
  • In septic tanks to provide the necessary digestion to eliminate carry-over, reducing the need for pump-outs and introducing micro-organisms into the soil to open pores and keep French drains operating smoothly with  improved drainage.
  • As a laundry pre-spotter.

Waste treatment application can be manual or automatic. Manually, by pouring the recommended dosage into the main drain line each night or directly into the grease / fat trap once a week. Automatically, by using Manchem’s fully computerised peristaltic pump which allows you to dose up to 4 times per day, 7 days per week.

Manchem has two products that contain powerful bacteria and enzymes for organic waste digestion, M-BAC (liquid) and Bohlisa (powder).

M-Bac and Bohlisa are:

  • Non-caustic
  • Non-poisonous
  • Safe and sanitary
  • Completely harmless to all fixtures, plumbing lines, grease traps and septic tanks
  • Free of pathogens*

Bohlisa: Bioactive Sewerage Activator

Bohlisa contains wetting agents to penetrate the waste and start liquefaction quickly. It is a balanced blend of highly concentrated pure, natural enzymes and faculative bacteria needed to liquefy all forms of organic waste.

Frequently used in:

  • Basement Sumps (Hospitals)
  • Grease Traps
  • Septic Tanks
  • Pre-Rinse Tanks
  • Pit Toilets
  • Pot & Pan Sinks
  • Garbage Disposals
  • Urinal Troughs


M-Bac is a combination of live bacteria and enzymes that rapidly penetrate, digest and liquefies fats, oils, greases, cellulose, protein and starch.

Frequently used for:

  • Drain Treatment
  • Grease Traps
  • Automatic Drain Treatment

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I add digestant into my system?
Bohlisa can be activated be adding it to a bucket of warm (not hot) water 35°C-40°C for several minutes before adding. Pour this slurry into the system at a point where normal flow will disperse it evenly. The best way is to pour it into the waste stream inside the plant, or just before it flows out into the pond. If this is not possible, pour it directly into the middle of the pond or around the perimeter.
How long before I see the results?
Bad odours and slurry accumulations take months and years to build up and it will take some time to get rid of. Begin the treatment programme with double the normal weekly dosage for a period of 2-3 months. After this start-up period you will begin to notice significant improvements, and you can cut back to the normal weekly dose. Severe accumulation of slurry may take one or two years to eliminate.

If the bacteria grow and reproduce why should I keep adding more digestant?

The bacteria in these products are very efficient at digesting waste – many times better than the naturally occurring bacteria. If treatment is stopped the other natural bacteria will eventually overpower and replace the good bacteria. These naturally occurring bacteria are not desirable because they work slowly, produce odours and can be pathogenic.

Do the bacteria work in cold or freezing weather?
These bacteria work best in warm weather, when the water is 10°C to 40°C. In colder temperatures, they continue to work (but more slowly) even in the frigid waters under a crust of ice. For best results, begin treatment programme in the warmer summer months.
Do disinfectants and detergent affect bacterial digestion?
Most detergents, soaps and cleaners will not seriously affect the bacteria. However, chlorine bleach and other disinfectants and sanitizers will inhibit the bacteria. If these products are used heavily or frequently, increase the treatment rate to compensate for their effects.
Do you receive complaints about foul odours from your treatment ponds?
Bio enzyme digestant products are highly effective at permanently eliminating odours caused by your treatment process. Remember that it takes several weeks to get results. Deodorisers and perfumes will only give you temporary relief at best, and often do not work at all in hot summer months!
Looking for a miracle cure for you waste water disposal problems?
Digestants cannot offer overnight miracles. They can however, provide all the benefits that modern science has to offer if you give your system the time and attention that it needs. These scientific miracles take several weeks or months to occur  – but the results will astound you!