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Tea Tree Hand Soap

Tea Tree Hand Soap

Quality Assured

Product Information

Area of application
TEA TREE HAND SOAP is a clear, viscous, hand soap containing skin conditioners, remoistening agents, Tea Tree Oil (0.5%) and Aloe Vera extract.
TEA TREE HAND SOAP gives maximum cleaning in both hard and soft water.
Physical & chemical properties
Appearance:Clear viscous liquid
Odour:Tea Tree Oil
pH:5.0 – 5.5
Solubility – Water:Completely soluble
Solubility – Solvent:Insoluble
Boiling Point:>100°C
Oxidizing properties:Keep away from strong oxidants
Recommended method of application
Apply through soap dispensers at approximately 5 mL per hand washing.
Safety precautions and first aid
  • Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 Minutes.
  • Remove contact lenses, if still present after 5 minutes then continue rinsing.
  • Call a doctor for treatment advice
  • In the event of an adverse effect, rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15 – 20 minutes.
  • Call a doctor immediately for treatment advice.
  • If symptoms persist, call a doctor for treatment advice.
  • Have person sip water if able to swallow.
  • Rinse mouth with water.
  • Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by the doctor.
  • Do not give anything to an unconscious person.

Note to physician: Probable mucosal damage may contraindicate the use of gastric lavage. Have product container or label with you when calling the doctor or going for medical treatment.

Packaging & Storage


TEA TREE HAND SOAP is packed in 25 litre UN approved, non-removable head, HDPE plastic jerry cans, square, 1200 – 1300g fitted with screw cap and rubber gasket (torque 20Nm). The packaging meets Packing Group II and III tests. Each drum can handle any product with a specific gravity less than 1.8 and allow an internal test pressure of 100kPa.


Store in a tightly closed container in a well – ventilated chemical storage facility between 10°C and 25°C, away from sensitive environs, foodstuffs and children. Keep under lock and key.

Keep out of direct sunlight. Prolonged exposure to high temperatures will have a detrimental effect on the product. Shelf – life 24 months from date of manufacture.

Contact us for pricing and shipping: +27 (31) 648 0025